

Hi, I’m Elizabeth.

I have a wonderful husband and 3 adorable kids.

My house is a mess. A disaster zone. We have too much stuff. And that really seems to affect all parts of our lives in a not-so-good way.  

I really really really want to fix this! I know that we need to simplify. I hope you will join me on this journey. Who knows? Maybe I can help someone else on their own journey to simplification. Here we go!

Ready. Set. Simplify!

16 Comments on “About”

  1. maryann says:

    I just wanted to say that your progress has been an inspiration. You have huge messes. I like to see the honesty of that. If you can clean out your closet & your desk, than so can I. I have less stuff than you, but also less space so I guess it equals out. Anyway, keep up the good work…

    • Thank you for the encouragement, Maryann! I have been trying to be honest and transparent as hard as it is sometimes. I feel happy and blessed that I could inspire someone else in this process! Thanks for the comment.

  2. jb says:

    i agree.i love your honesty. especially the dirty diaper you found. way to go. you are doing amazing work!!!

  3. Ooh, I am liking your blog! I’m thinking
    that you and I might be cleaning our houses together for a long time now.

  4. Pat Neidhardt says:

    Hi Elizabeth,
    Just wanted to say hi! I spoke with your Mom yesterday and caught up a bit on you and Jen. Congratulations on this blog!
    What a great concept!

  5. Chinamama4 says:

    Just linked here from The Frugal Girl and all I can say is, “Are you sure we aren’t twins separated at birth???” My island and desk look like your “Before” pics, and I’m always late starting dinner for the same reasons you cited! I am inspired by your progress and can’t wait to see what you tackle next! Super blog!! 🙂

  6. Hi Sister! I’m so glad we found each other! 😉 Thanks for the encouragement! I enjoyed checking out your blog and seeing your 4 beautiful children!

  7. Anette says:

    I am so happy that I found your blog!! I always feel like I am the only struggling with keeping my house organized & I just feel so much better knowing that there are more of “me” out there!! Can’t wait to keep reading!

  8. Johnna says:

    Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! LOVE how real you are and I love watching the amazing progress you are making towards your goals. I am adding you to my favorites and look forward to following you on your journey. I type this as I look at my own basket of paper clutter that needs to be gone through. I am currently decluttering and simplifying my home office/ scrapbook space. I cannot believe the amount of stuff that I have been holding onto because I might need it one day. I am clearing it out and giving it to people who will actually use it now. Thank you for inspiring me! Keep up the great work!

  9. Recently started a project to get rid of clutter/simplify our own apartment…it’s amazing how much “stuff” we have managed to accumulate in our one bedroom apartment that I forgot ever existed thanks to two huge storage closets! Hoping weeding through all the “stuff” will lead us to a simpler state of living, and make us a few extra dollars on the side (to help pay for our wedding), as well as provide some donations to people in need. Americans need to wake up and realize that we do not need all this “stuff” to make us happy or fulfilled!!!

  10. Oh, and thanks for the great motivation!!

  11. sineamarie says:

    I think we’ve all been here at one time or other. Our household is about to enter a total “home refurbishing” which will induce chaos against my will. My only option is to smile my way through it–knowing I will love the ultimate outcome–and blog about it! Most of us have never done a whole overhaul. It’ll be an experience to share. Eventually you’ll find it at http://www.ducksnarow.com.

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